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23 December, 2008

So this is the result... Most of you prefer everyone being able to view this site, so I didn't manage to make it into a private site =X. And there's a new poll of your right side, in case that you don't notice it :D Please, do vote for it too in order to help me improving my bloggie xD


Spending a day at home today--- I don't feel like going out today after so many days of having meals and inhaling very polluted air outside. I crave for home-cooked food now xD. Yes, I know tonight there will be a night market around this area. And an ex-schoolmate asked me out again. I have the time to spare with you actually, but I just don't feel like doing so =X. You should be clear enough of what you have done every second in the past :) Even now you have never changed.

Tomorrow will be Christmas Eve. As planned, we will be going for blablabla and bla. In short, there will be lots of activities I think :D But also I might not have the time spending with him :( No matter how much I'd feel bad bout it, I still couldn't make it, sorry :(

I remembered exactly what happened last year, it was embarassing I shall say =X. And the feelings come again, I don't know how can this happen actually. *Sigh*, let's forget it and let it sleep forever :) Hopefully this year would be a better one :D

My beloved teddy has a new hat :D

Ho-ho-ho~ Merry Christmas!!

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