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15 December, 2009

Tears from the sky

Awww.. The title of the post seems emo :X but actually not.

The moment I’m blogging now, 5.30pm:
It is raining heavily again, and it reminds me of how I arrive home from his place and get all wet with him even with an umbrella. Yes you’re right, this part of this post is mainly about this person

We have lesser and lesser chance to meet again. Not to look too forward to the future, let’s talk about what’s happening now. I’m off to overseas for a week, as soon as when I’m back, it is almost Christmas, so I must get myself hanging with the high school friends for the few days, abandoning the dates with him.

For that entire week, I would be busier than bee, getting myself the must-haves for national service camp and sitting for the undang driving test. One of the days needs me to be outstation again, attending wedding dinners. Whereas he would be working, and almost exhausted every night when he is home. Until the New Year eve, I don’t think we could have more than 10 days left to meet. Finally 2010 arrives and I would be urging myself to survive in Kem Paya Indah.

So three months two and a half month of my departure would mean more than everything. Frankly I don’t hope any Ali or whosoever similar to appear in my life [Spellman, you know what curse you made on the both of us! :X] and I could see he isn’t confident. Not at all.

): To stand still and strong against the rough winds, would it be tough?


Goodbye messiness!

I had my entire day reorganizing my wardrobe. You see I have plenty of bright color tees and I don’t find them suitable anymore because I no longer need to wear tees everywhere I go )): I need money to buy new clothes again! <33

Tomorrow. I urge to know what would happen ):

T_T I wanted this badly again. Another new masterpiece by Cecelia Ahern. My Xmas gift, anyone? x) I need new books for my mini library so that I can bring it along to my camp next month.

Christmas is coming soon, only a week more to go. I am not a Christian but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy Christmas by having caroling, sing-alongs and everything else in church. I am actually interested in group programs but… it seems like my schedule is fully booked next week ):

Once again, I felt... trapped :(

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