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19 December, 2013

#SomebodyLikeMe HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign

2013 is coming to an end and I'm glad that I've done some good deeds and contributed my part to the nation throughout the year. One little voice from me is definitely not that impactful, but when all of us do it together, our joint effort has made a difference! 

Yes, I'm talking about the #SomebodyLikeMe HIV/AIDS Awareness campaign in Malaysia! 

It has been recognised as one of the few successful campaigns that took place worldwide along with other countries. *proud* It's actually my first time participating in AIDS awarement movement, but I'm glad that I, too, can make great things happen! 

I was shocked to learn that HIV infections are getting more common among Malaysian youths from age 13 to 29! Do you know that saving few ringgits on condoms can put your life at risk to an incurable disease? In conjunction with World AIDS Day, Reckitt Benckiser’s Durex Malaysia (Durex) contributed RM8,000 and 50,000 pieces of Durex condoms to PT Foundation, Malaysia’s largest community-based HIV/AIDS organisation.

Among the common preventive measures, condom is undeniably the easiest and most common way to be practised. Durex has pledged to one piece of condom with every pack of Durex condoms purchased at Watsons and RM0.20 per pack purchased at Guardian was channelled to PT Foundation. 

If you're a follower of mine on Facebook, surely you'd notice my messages relating to #somebodylikeme campaign throughout November. Interestingly, most of the questions touched on sex and lots of friends seem shocked about this 'sensitive' issue. 

When I ask people about sex, some friends even messaged me privately and asked why am I discussing openly about sex on Facebook. Perhaps because most people will shy away from this topic? But hey it's nothing dirty, and "Sex should be Male OR Female", don't you think so? 

Honestly, at first I felt shy for discussing the sex and STD related topics openly with my followers and readers because the level of acceptance on such issues are still low among Malaysians. So.....guys and girls, do more research on HIV! No regrets in future :)  

All in all, the #somebodylikeme campaign is a fun thing to do as I learned something for myself and spread the knowledge to you guys. In fact, I love reading your comments on my Facebook statuses and I wish they just don't stop flooding my news feed! Hope to share more interesting news again with you for World AIDS Day 2014, 2015 and so forth! 

To learn more about the #SOMEBODYLIKEME Campaign, please visit:
Durex Malaysia's Facebook:
Durex' Twitter: 

To educate yourself about HIV and AIDS, 
visit PT Foundation’s website at

This campaign is a successful case out of the global campaigns done by Social Grooves.

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