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05 October, 2015

Le Pont Boulangerie @ Old Kland Road, KL

I have long heard about the uniqueness of Le Pont's French bread, pastry and fusion cafe cuisine, yet this is the first time I make my way to this 3-storey bakery-cum-cafe. This huge outlet may suggest to you that plenty of dining space is available. Unfortunately it is not the case when I visit it on a late Saturday afternoon. The ground floor is a grab-and-go bakery shop with limited seats for dining; whereas the first floor is fully occupied.

We wait for a good 10 minutes but nobody actually entertains us. Luck is on our side when we finally manage to secure a table for four, next to the coffee bar counter. But there is an issue sitting near to the area where the non-apologetic staff washes whatever-they-need and we can feel sprinkles of water onto us.

Long Black @ RM7.50

With our mood slightly spoilt even before we start dining, I honestly don't expect the coffee to be good.
But it is surprisingly decent and worth the price we pay for.

Cappucino @ RM9.50

Smoked Salmon Sandwich @ RM18.90

The Signature Sandwich combo (Smoked Salmon, Tuna Egg, Beef and Vegetarian) is sold out at that hour, so we go for Smoked Salmon Sandwich instead. Served along with a can of truffle fries (Highly addictive!) and garden salad, the presentation is nice. Simple and satisfying for a light starter before we dig into our main courses.

Anchovy Linguine @ RM19.90

As for the pasta we order, the anchovy sauce is something new to us. It hits nicely at just the right level of saltiness, and is well-seasoned with seaweed, chopped parsley and anchovy grissini.

Spaghetti in Parmesan Sauce and Egg Confit @ RM19.90

Unfortunately, the next dish is a slight turn-off. The creamy cheesy sauce is already quite heavy for me, not to mention when it is mixed together with the semi-cooked egg. Truly a comfort food that easily fills our stomach. Honestly, the pasta is only recommended for true cheese lovers, otherwise you may opt for sharing instead.

Squid Risotto @ RM24.90
Another cheesy dish to die for!

Le Pont Waffles @ RM11.90

Dessert wise, I notice plenty of tarts and cakes on display but it is the hot signature waffles on the menu which catch my attention. Served with 4 different types of dips (Vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, gooey chocolate sauce and mixed berries marmalade), it creates new and exciting combination of tastes with the crisp-edged waffles. Highly recommended!

Croissant Ice Cream @ RM10.90

I finally get to try the signature croissant with 3 scoops of ice cream (Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate), topped with crunchy pistachios and whipped cream. The croissant is served cold, but remains crunchy and does not turn soggy even when the ice cream melts. Recommended too!

Le Pont has plenty of decadent cakes in the chiller too :)
Do check them out if you are seeking to satisfy your sweet tooth!

1. Overall, the food is good but the service level requires tremendous improvement. 
2. Ambiance wise, it can be very noisy during peak hours. But nevertheless, Le Pont has amazing interior, staircase and bar seating that are picture worthy.
3. Recommended: Le Pont Waffles, Croissant Ice Cream

Le Pont Boulangerie
(Opposite Wisma Elken)
6, Jalan 1/137C,
Bedford Business Park,
58000 Kuala Lumpur.
Contact: 603-7783 0900

Opening Hours:
8am - 12am daily
Mon-Thurs: 11am - 12am
Fri: 11am - 2am
Sat: 8am - 2am
Sun & Public Holiday: 8am - 12am


  1. Replies
    1. Heyy! :D Thanks for dropping by! :) Jom makan!

  2. When you are at a good cafe, you'd be glad to be able to find a table, chucked into a corner as you were. Believe me, I know how that feels. HAHAHA

    1. That's exactly what I mean! :D HAHAH guess it's just too popular now

  3. wow looks like nice place to dine. About service mmm.. I need to think of it. I dont like poor service place to dine.

    1. Hi Sherry, hopefully they will improve :) Maybe just give them some time, and visit again

  4. oh no the waffle tempted me . gosh at this hour. now i am hungry

    1. Hi Pamela, yes the waffle is highly recommended1 *YUMS*

  5. I love the setting of the place. really leaves a feel of ala'french :)

    1. Hi Aliza, yup it is French-themed :) great for chilling out with mates

  6. the smoked salmon sandwich looked like cake... hehehe.... and oh gosh.. the place is so pretty.....service wise... are the service bad only during peak hours because not enough staff or is it bad even when they do not have customers...

    1. Hi Miera, I am not sure if the service is poor when the crowd is less...but the place, yes, very picture worthy :D

  7. The service is always a kill factor for me.
    I tend to become angry if the service is poor.
    Me and my anger management issue.
    Thanks for the info ya.

    1. Hi Rawlins, perhaps it was just during the peak hours ;) Should try visiting on other days / time!

  8. reminds me to change my coffee to long black from now on. the pasta is a lot!

    1. Hi Leona, long black is healthier :D haha minus the excess milk and sugar.

  9. Looks like a good selection of food but their service always have mood swing, some times, fantastic, sometimes, appalling. :(

    1. Hi Mike, you've tried it before? I think the service will be better after they are being well trained over time.

  10. Oh my the Smoked salmon sandwich looks nice! Must try it out soon with my loved ones.

    1. Hi Rane, absolutely! Bring your girls there and enjoy the yummy selections :D

  11. Le Pont Boulangerie is new.. just near my home only. I will check it. I think that they provided the healthy food? :)

    1. Hello Selina, I think the selection of food is more like fusion style, not towards the healthy direction. But anyway since it is near your place, it's worth checking out! :)

  12. The photos of the food looks tempting! Probably gonna go over and try it out!

    1. Dear Kylie, bring your family along and enjoy your weekend there :D

  13. Haven't been here before but the portion of the pasta looks sikit lah. Or is it just me?

    1. Hi Bella, I personally find that the portion is just nice for moderate eater :) Perhaps order more plates for sharing?

  14. Smoked salmon sandwich is a bomb! Drooling whenever I see this! :D

    1. Hi Janice, you must be a huge fan of smoked salmon! Heheh! I love it too!

  15. Been there before with my friends, love their foods, so delicious and has a lot of varieties :)

    1. Hey Ivy, glad that you love the stuff there. Don't forget to call me the next time you plan to go there again hahah!

  16. another good place to try out weh! :D.. jom cafe hopping

    1. Hey Isaac, don't forget to jio me the next time you go for cafe hopping :P

  17. I think the Le Pont Waffles is worth trying. Recently I am quite into waffles as well.

    1. Hi Kelly! :D Yup it is. But I think recently you're more into Japanese waffles hahaha *noms*


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