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22 August, 2009

Goodbye, Mr. T. Sivakumar!

:) At least he is smiling when taking pictures!

Mr. Siva is officially leaving the school he has joined since 8 years ago. Being a very strict discipline teacher of the school, he only meets parents and canes students everyday. And I can say that he can ONLY remember the names of those problematic students, while he calls me with just a word ‘You…’ =.=”

:D I love this effect! Thanks to DSLR
But..why is there a spanner-look thingy on a stationery stand?

We went into his oh-so-tidy room--- Sookkuan interviewed him and I took numerous shots of him, with Yeewen supervising us. Those she had in her hands are really good questions for making Mr. Siva reveal his private life =X

Oh and now that I know he obtained the award of
“Guru Disiplin Cemerlang” in Bangsar zone, year 2007!

Ahh… He is unhappy already
Because he can hear every single shot I took from the “Chi…Chiak” sound

“Dah puas ambik gambar ke belum?” He asked me in a very spontaneous tone, luckily! :) Actually being PK HEM, he revealed that he catches students mostly with inappropriate hairstyle and those who skip school occasionally. Oh I feel so bad! I now I am one of the girls with long fringes and skip school without a good reason :(

And now that he is going to continue his sojourn of life in a new workplace.

He mentioned that the did not want any celebration or ceremony for his depart but it was unavoidable :) Many people may be happy for not having to see Mr. Siva anymore after this one-week break.

Well, as for me, I will miss him :)

♥ 失去了,何时才能换回呢?

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