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21 September, 2009

The perfect shopping day

Hello peeps! It’s me updating my beloved site again :D this time is of course about my usual hobby that is SHOPPING. Thanks to the two days of Hari Raya which made a perfect tour to shop!

I went out with Mum and Aunt this time so that I don’t have to spend a single penny on all my expenses. Fully subsidized by Papa today xD! That’s why I bought a lot of stuff--- I finally own my beloved stripy wedges from Carlo Rino as mentioned in the previous post last time.

The lunch. Tried Vietnamese dishes.
It had been a very long time since I have a Vietnamese meal, when I am all the while indulged with Japanese food only. Finally, I took a break from the sushi today and tried something out of the blue.

The baked peanuts ((: As appetizer I guess? =X sorry I am not really familiar with this type of food.

Aunt’s seafood mee. RM 12.90 ONLY to have all the prawns, squids, mushrooms, fish and veges on the plate. And not to forget, I love the oyster shell-shaped plate xD!

My Vietnamese-styled fried rice. But it tasted normal actually :X Nothing really special about the dish except the tasty fried chickens which I sacrificed to my Mum, because I don’t eat chicken.

In search of the dress of Librarian Annual Dinner, I found this. RM 89.90. The price stunts me :X I heart this a lot that I feel like owning this very much, since I always love layered-cake dress :D

But I think it doesn’t worth the price actually :X I saw many online, which are much cheaper than this. So finally I managed to try this outfit but didn’t make it mine.

Also, I got these! Am addicted to Oreef Tees these days, thanks to Miss Vivian Cheong xD. And a pair of white pants of larger size since I am getting fatter and fatter that I need to restock my whole closet =X

Thanks Mum for providing me the cash that Papa gave her, so that Dad would not nag me for wasting his hard-earned money again >.<


  1. the dress very nice..hope can see it at annual dinner that day..haha

  2. Thanks jocelyn ((:
    Why ur blog is removed de??
    i can't view it de?


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