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18 January, 2012

The Tranquerah @ The Strand

The location for this exquisite lunch is a little different from my recent posts. Despite of hearing great reviews about this restaurant that serves Malacca Nyonya Cuisine, this is my first time stepping into this traditional restaurant for a Chinese New Year set menu.

Alan and FiSh
This authentic Nyonya restaurant is owned by Alan Yun (袁锦伦), an actor or director whom you can see on TV most of the time. Recently, he is one of the Pensonic brand ambassadors who appeared on advertisements with Amber Chia. For more information, his fan page is here.

At Tranquerah, you can see the old-school setting in this family-styled restaurant. Upon arrival, I have the feeling that the restaurant would make me feel as comfortable as at home. I personally think that it would be a great place for filming with every minor detail of the Baba and Nyonya from the olden days.

If you have been to the Nyonya Heritage House @ Malacca, this restaurant would serve as a mini heritage house around KL. You'd certainly fall in love with the contemporary-meets-heritage setting here.

The assorted patterns hung on the wall are actually the wooden batik stamps. Traditionally, people use this carved wooden blocks to produce attractive motives for the batik fabric. Such stamps can be rarely found nowadays, and a good one can be sold up to approximately RM4000 each!

We were there to try out the latest Tranquerah Chinese New Year's Menu A @ RM 588:

#1 Golden Dragon Nyonya Yee Sang @ RM28 (Small) and RM48 (Large) 

Despite of having Lou Sang for numerous times, this is my first time in experiencing a platter of Baba Nyonya Yee Sang. Comprising of fresh squids, jelly fish, turnips, fritters and raw salad, the homemade Nyonya sauce enlivens the whole platter.

The balance of the sweet and sour taste is perfect here, with added crushed peanuts and sesames to bring out the crunchy texture in a blend of mildness. 

#2 Pai Tee (Top Hats)

This Nyonya kuih is a must-have with its alluringly gorgeous presentation and premium taste and flavour. Being a virtuous snack that showcases the brilliant combination of fresh ingredients, it’s undeniably good and up to authentic Nyonya quality.

#3 Cucur Udang (Shrimp Fritters)

I realised this is another snack to go before the main courses. This scrumptious shrimp fritters with sweet chili sauce is deliciously savoury! Crispy golden brown crust on the outside, once bitten, a softer texture reveals and you will taste fresh shrimps and a slight spiciness in it. 

#4 Chicken Meatball Soup

This light, flavourful broth has the bounciest homemade chicken meatballs ever!

#5 Sek Kay (Nyonya Stewed Chicken)

Being a traditional dish usually prepared during Chinese New Year, this special item named Sek Kay is marinated beforehand. The sweet and tangy unique flavours add credits to the firm yet tender bite of the chicken.

#6 Chap Chye (Nyonya Mixed Stir-Fried Vegetables)

Alhough I find the thick sauce a tad salty, it was nevertheless flavourful with assorted shredded vegetables. This aromatic dish would be perfected by enhancing spiciness of the sauce.

#7 Nyonya Chicken Curry

Here comes the most basic dish ever in every Nyonya cuisine. As curry is usually the best companion of white steamed rice, this would be one of the best choice if you are a strong proponent for rice.

#8 Sotong Masak Lemak Nenas (Squids)

A small serving of succulent squids cooked in a rich, sweet coconut gravy with pineapple is enough for me to tell how tender the squids are. Despite of lacking spicy flavour, the coconut gravy is truly decadent as the flavours of the spices are absorbed into the gravy.

#9 Ikan Tilapia Goreng Cili (Fried Tilapia with Chilli)

Under the crispy salty skin lies the moist and flaky flesh of the fish. A bite into the fish fillet with fiery chilli paste would be wonderful, but it goes tasteless without the tinge of spiciness.

#10 Sambal Bendi (Stir-Fried Okra in Chilli Paste)

Okra or more commonly known as lady's fingers are lightly blanched and topped with a fragrant, spicy mix of homemade sambal belacan. The okra is wonderfully crunchy while the mixture of sambal coats each lady's finger perfectly. This zingy refreshing salad is one of the best I've eaten despite of the excessive chilli oil served on the plate.

#11 Gerang Asam Stingray

Comprising of stingray, tamarind, corns, lady's fingers, onions, Kaffir lime leaves alongside with other herbs and spices, this bowl of Nyonya-style sour fish curry tastes similarly to Thai tom yam soup. My mouth salivates just listening to the list of ingredients this special dish was infused with!

#12 Sambal Terung

Simple it does look, here I uncover another recommend-worthy dish. The platter of blanched brinjal with sambal belacan is very fragrant, sweet and rich tasting! Again, the recipe of sambal belacan can be improvised by adding more spiciness.

#13 Homemade Chilli Paste 

Upon request, the restaurant owner brought us a spoonful of chilli paste to be served as a condiment. Despite of its fiery bright-red color, the chilli paste is surprisingly not too hot in a hint of lime.

#14 Ice Kacang 

Dessert Time! This is the part I'm always looking forward to. The featured ingredient in this bowl of shaved ice is the generous amount of Gula Melaka (Coconut palm sugar) and Cendol. In the hot and humid country like Malaysia, nothing can beat the icy cold and pleasant dessert to soothe the throat!

#15 Bubur Cha Cha

Another popular selection for a delightful Nyonya dessert is Bubur Cha Cha, comprising mainly of coconut milk and sweet potatoes. It is regrettably sounded very good but is way too sweet to suit my liking.

#16 Sago Gula Melaka

Being one of the most inventive and vividly luscious Nyonya creations, the tasteless sago pudding when accompanied with rich sweet flavour of sugar palm syrup is probably the best Nyonya dessert on earth!

Completing a meal with these indulgences is a must 
for the ultimate dining experience at The Tranquerah!

Full and satisfied, I scanned through the menu of the lunch and realised that the above set of dishes is a little different from the prescribed set menu. Here you can compare the dishes between Menu A and B to suit the liking among your family and friends:

Nyonya Yee Sang is excluded from the set menu.

Here's the location map for your reference. 

1. From the appetizers to desserts, I prefer those traditional dishes with a twist.
2. The light touch of spiciness in every dish is perfect if you prefer to go mild.
3. The taste of few good dishes enhanced by the condiment is perfectly enjoyable under the family-styled dining.

The Tranquerah 
62A-G, Red Carpet Avenue 
Encorp Strand, 
Jalan PJU5/22, 
Kota Damansara, 
47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. 
Contact: 603–6142 4106 

Remarks: This restaurant is opened from the Eve to 7th Day of CNY. Closes from 30 Jan till 2 Feb 2012.


  1. wah.. very authentic Nyonya food with CNY feel

    1. hi Nikel, yes indeed :) you can have a superb experience there!

  2. Food is generally delightful at Tranquerah. The ye sang looks interesting!

    1. hi missy, you had a good try there as well? :) the yee sang is extraordinary as compared to others

  3. Somehow Alan and Fish sounds

    1. hi Bernard, i hope it really rhymes! Hahas then I can go famous along with his name d

  4. the chili paste looks hot..
    when i c hot stuff i will scratch my head .. LOL..

    1. hi there, the chilli paste looks spicy but it is not. definitely wont make you scratching your head there. lol

  5. The Nyonya dessert are very very yummy.

    1. hi Sheoh Yan, that's my favourite among all. the ever famous dessert never fails to captivate people

  6. I'm a huge fan of Nonya food & the Kueh Pie Ti looks quite different & interesting. I want to savour these dishes :)

    1. hi Shirley, i hope singapore has such an authentic nyonya cuisine as well, or perhaps you can cook some? :P

  7. Looking yummy~ I hardly have Nyonya cuisine, not a popular trend here...

    1. hi Hayley, perhaps when you come to KL, or Malacca and Penang, you'd get to enjoy them :)

  8. OMGGG! alan!! i like him laa! and i seriously like the restaurant's decoration :)

    1. hi Camy, a fan of this handsome young man eh? :D i like his restaurant as well.

  9. Wah Alan the celebrities! Cool...
    The food there seems to be so delicious ya! =)
    Too bad Penang doesn't have this...
    We only have Nyonya Breeze, i think some sort similar like this la...
    Have to go and take try when I go there! =)

    1. hi Genyong, visit this shop when you come to KL again :P as for me, i'd love to try the Nyonya Breeze when i have a chance visiting penang~

  10. hi FiSh,

    You have given justice to this place in this post, nicely described ~ the place and the food(looked delicious).

    Happy Chinese New Year to you, family and friends..great year ahead, have a nice time and safe journey wherever you go.


    1. hi Cheqna, thank you for your advanced wishes and hope you have a good time during this holidae as well!

  11. Hi Fish,
    Nice place. Haven't heard of nonya yee shang until you blog it. I think I would love the fish ball soup, terong and of course the sago desert. The rest of the dish might be too spicy for me. :D

    1. hi Johnnie, the dishes may look spicy, but definitely don't taste hot at all :) i guess you can give a try on the nyonya yee sang!

  12. that alan guy must be a rich kid to be owning a restaurant

    1. hi Tony, i guess so, since celebrities work hard to earn more.

  13. Went there before they were officially open! OMG I saw him but I can't be sure whether he is he or not, lols!

    1. hi Roslyn, i bet he was there before their official launch! :)

  14. 1st time see the Nyonya Lou Sang, cool! Btw, the soft drinks bottle really have the nostalgic feel, I used to have that when I was a child, I bet u never have that b4 right?

    1. hi Choi Yen, frankly speaking, i haven't seen the soft drinks bottle before lol, coz every soft drink is already in cans during my time.

  15. The ABC is something to die for....slurppp!!

    1. hi Yee Ling, that's a perfect thirst quencher as well :)

  16. wow, the nyonya yee sang looks interesting. my hometown is malacca, and i love nyonya food, but i haven't tried this yee sang recipe before :D

    1. hi Sean, as far as I concern, Malacca is not that famous with Yee Sang. but in KL, there are much more varieties of Yee Sang during this CNY!

  17. That Alan is not so handsome anymore leh? Too busy making money to worry about his grooming and dressing up? I've seen all this already in Isaac's blog and Merryn posted the photos on Facebook even earlier... All look good - would love to go and try...but I think my pai tee would look a lot better than these...and probably taste better too.

    1. Hi there, perhaps this is the casual look of his :) you can make good pai tee? how i'd wish to have a chance trying homemade ones!

  18. Oh Fish, you have a nice and pretty blog... love Melaka food, miss them

    1. hi Angeline, thanks for your compliment. Malacca food has now spreaded to everywhere, just drop by any nyonya restaurant whenever you're free :)

  19. Interesting. :) I love the internal design of the restaurant. ITs so unique.

    Meitzeu @ Facebook

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    1. hi Meitzeu, yes the owner has spent more than half a year preparing for a perfect setting of the restaurant

  20. Wah! those sambal dishes really makes me hungry.

    1. hi Thomas, i bet you're a spicy food lover? same goes to me, simply irresistible :)

  21. Replies
    1. hi Merryn, that's a sad case coz I didn't have a nice personal picture with him :/

  22. I love the interior, looks very cozy :)
    the foods are yummy too *drollllll*

    1. hi Debb, glad that the setting is really attractive and catches your attention :) not to mention the good food by the tranquerah as well.

  23. The setting of the restaurant really worth a visit!

    1. hi WyYv, it's a really good place, especially for sweet couple like you both to chill and relax there

  24. Their Yee Sang look not nice! lol!

    1. hi Joshua, perhaps that's because of the lack of hues on the platter? hehes, but it definitely tastes good!

    2. wow,nice restaurant! and the food looks nice too :P happy advance cny to u!

    3. hi Steph :) happy early CNY to you too! hope you enjoyed reading.

  25. HI Fish!

    Thank you for dropping at my blog and great to see you there!
    Your description of the nyonya goodies wowed me! The squid dish looks really awesome!
    Must go there one day soon.
    ANy chance of bumping into ALan? ;)

    1. hi Cath, glad that you enjoyed my blog entry on the nyonya foodstuff. try your luck and you'd meet him in person perhaps :)

  26. Replies
    1. hi Hong Wei, you enjoyed nyonya dessert as well? :) hope you love reading this too!

  27. i looove your red little dress. It's super cute especially with the belt ^^
    oooommmmmfreakinggggoooddd! The food looks SO amazing!! Even though i've just eaten i feel like eating all of that right now! Even the chicken feets which is a bit of a culture food shock for a person like me XD

    1. hi Maria, thanks for your compliment! :) the chicken feets are really a tradition among chinese, some may not fancy them but they do taste great ^^

  28. Oh my I'm drooling.. and you're so CUTE :D

    1. hi Careen :) glad that you enjoyed reading. hahaha im cute in which way?

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