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23 April, 2012

FiSh Castle @ Damansara Uptown

Welcome to the Fish Castle! :D

So they build a castle restaurant for me and name it after me!
This outlet I visit here has a pretty decent, comfy ambiance.

Teow Chew fish ball, I love 'em.
The restaurant is owned by a Malay, but surprisingly the food stuff there are all of Chinese style.

Here's part of the menu, mainly comprising of fish balls, fish noodles and fish cakes.

However, if you're not a fan of fish food stuff, the most basic Nasi Lemak and Malaysian-styled rendang would be a good choice for you. Look at the prices, I personally think that it's quite reasonable and worth the money.

Despite of being a FISH restaurant, they diversify their menu
by offering a good range of  Chinese dessert and beverages. 

Look at the marble and wood furniture; The entire Chinese concept is revealed :)

Fish only. It's for a FISH addict like me to eat my best friends.

#1 Red Bean Sago Dessert @ RM 2.50

I'm kinda uneasy when the dessert comes before the main course. But it tastes fine for me as you can see the generous amount of red beans used to prepare this dessert. However, it's a little too coarse and lacking of the chewy transparent sago.

#2 Fried Fish Noodle and Chee Cheong Fun @ RM 6.50

This is, impressively good with the crunchy fish noodles! Instead of frying kuey teow like any other hawker stall, the chef uses fish noodle and rolls of chee cheong fun to provide a blend of chewy yet  soft combination. Such creative dish is highly recommended in this restaurant!

#3 Soup Noodle @ RM 5.50

Other than the bouncy homemade fish balls, I can't find any other specialty in this bowl of noodle. 
Therefore, it's overpriced in my opinion.

Two outlets are open in whole Malaysia now.
Do visit this shop when you pass by PJ or Cyberjaya area :D

1. The seasonings are too strong despite of the flavourful dishes. 
2. The homemade fish balls are one of the bounciest I've ever tried!
3. I'm fine with the portion which is just sufficient for a moderate eater. 


  1. i think this is the chain restaurant..
    we had one similiar in sea park, PJ... but is not call fish castle...
    the fish ball is really soft and nice..

  2. simple person: they are two branches actually. Both are the same owner just that branching out.. The sea park even more nicer, coz they said served pork it's non-halal while this shop in DU is halal.. want.. saw lot's of muslim people go there eat. I tasted DU want.. which is actually not bad ^_^

    1. Non the same owner, sorry we only have one branch at DU, last time have one at cyber jaya but close

  3. Haha what a surprise! It thought you were gonna intro your house and thus, Fish Castle!

    Food Review: Gao Ren Guan (高人馆) @ Jaya One

  4. Really a fish castle, all about fish! Hehe..

  5. oh i think this is nice, i love all those fish products, and you claim the bounciest fish ball there!! i also like their logo, simple and cute..

  6. Fish is always healthier than other meaty dishes. I would to try this one day.

  7. Oh? They named their restaurant after you? LOL!!! Food looks good but not cheap - to be expected, anyway, for a place like this...

  8. Waahhh...FISH...u go to Fish Castle to visit ur fish siblings ar? heheh...
    Btw..."Fried Fish Noodle and Chee Cheong Fun" inspired from Char Kuey Teow..sounds not bad..

  9. Looks like Tang House of fish ball that I've tried before~

  10. Pretty cool! Shall check it out next time I pass uptown on a trip home :)

  11. what a fun name for restaurant! definitely catchy and memorable :D

  12. Looks like a great restaurant, nice menu. All new to me but the food looks delicious! Dessert first?

  13. What a great fishy restaurant. I do agree, the prices are really reasonable. I do love a Malaysian Rendang though xx

  14. Very nice name for a restaurant. I don't like fish but I'm sure many fish fans will enjoy this place.

  15. Gorgeous food but wonder what with the name of the restaurant when they are serving so many other choices of food with other ingredients besides fish. Btw, my other will all of those dishes with fish and thats what his diet is most of the time. Seems like right price for the right food and love most of food as you have shared.

  16. how come the place was empty? Is it because of you, they chase everyone out haha =P

  17. Envy! They built a castle for you! :)

  18. Fuahh, a castle named after you somemore serve so many yummy food! :P

  19. this is great! all fish are nice :D more omega+3 for my brain ^^ thanks for the recomend XD

  20. Is it opened by you? =D

  21. Thanks for a peek into what restaurants are like in your part of the world.

  22. This place looks familiar. Is it related to House of Fish Ball?

  23. have your castle...hehheheh.

    It seems there are lot of eateries at Damansara Uptown.

  24. Hey fish!! U could saman them use your name!! :p.. he he he.. btw, the food look goods, and your photography skill make it even more 'eatable'.. :D.. btw, I miss you Fish!! ^_^.v..

  25. Can't you request for them to hold your dessert until after your meal? But if me, memang I have dessert before my meal ^_^

  26. Fish Castle? I was expecting Steam Fish ahahah :) (macam ah kuan yu dan)


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