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07 January, 2013

Sharing Session with Lawrence Wong (王冠逸) & MayJune (MayJune 陈美君) @ KDU Info Day, Damansara Jaya Campus

3 years back, I had just graduated from high school and lost my directions. 
Which college should I enter? And which course to enrol?

Last weekend, KDU organized an Info Day for you to discover more of yourself especially 
for those who are keen on the field of communication, media studies and creative arts. 

Fortunately, they get to invite 2 well-known Malaysian artist during this sharing session---
Lawrence Wong (王冠逸), a model cum singer, 
while MayJune (陈美君) is a TV host cum actress.

Are these faces familiar to you? They often appear on TV in advertisements and TV programmes as well as film production. Both, backed by a strong foundation in mass communication field, agree that what they've learnt during college years are highly applicable to what they're doing now.

If you love challenges and meeting new people, KDU School of Communication and Creative Arts 
is the place you should discover and enrich yourself! 

KDU offers both diploma and bachelor degree courses, with a broad spectrum of modules such as advertising, public relations, journalism, film studies, photography, and media design. That's what they are telling us, too--- These courses will bring us industrial experience in various relevant fields such as Public Relations, Advertising, Broadcasting and more. 

Lawrence had shared with us his experience, motivation and life stories during the sharing session. How exciting his life is, filled with ups and downs, laughters and tears! If you'd wish to know more, you can always take a look at his autobiography book entitled "逸飞之心" (自传)

Life of being an artist isn't as easy as you'd have thought. But having faith in himself, Lawrence is chasing his dreams by being professional in his work and willing to endure hardship throughout the years. 
Perseverance wins the race! 

 As for MayJune, she always looks confident and outspoken on screen, but have you
 ever wondered how did she manage to achieve that? In real life, she is very humble, 
able to constantly improve herself and willing to learn from past mistakes. 

Before the event comes to a close, let's have a group photo as remembrance =) I learn that from time to 
time, KDU invites different famous public figures to the campus to share their knowledge with the students. 
Personally it is a very good opportunity for us students to see how does the outside world look like!

 Thank you Lawrence Wong (王冠逸) & MayJune (陈美君) for being so friendly! 

To find out more about KDU, do drop by at their campuses. 
Map shown below directs you to KDU Damansara Campus and Section 13 Campus.

Visit KDU at:

Damansara Jaya Campus: 603-7953 6688
Section 13 Campus: 603-7953 6988
Penang Campus: 604-226 6368

This is a sponsored post from Nuffnang.


  1. OMG I am so out dated, I don't know who is this 2... :p

    But Lawrence is handsome! *blush*

  2. I like both of them, handsome and cute.

  3. Fish's post is always so colorful with picture.. I like and jealous.. :p..

  4. both of them as well as you looks gorgeous

  5. Wah, all the good-looking people!

  6. i miss my chance to be KDU students..

  7. ouh my, ur really fast with your entry :)
    recognize me? am wearing orange hat ahaks~


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