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14 December, 2015

Indah Water Konsortium Selfie & Wefie Photo Contest 2015

Indah Water Konsortium (IWK), our national sewerage company is no stranger to us. But how much do you actually know about this company that has been diligently managing our sewerage systems since 1994?

Look at the volume, I seriously have no idea that Malaysians produce so much of wastewater!

Undeniably, IWK's service is certainly an essential for all. Having a good, manageable and efficient system across the nation is always important, to ensure that the sewerage is well-treated before being released into the river, creating a clean, safe and sustainable environment.

Well, frankly, paying few ringgits of the IWK bill every 3 months seem like nothing to us. But can you imagine what will happen if one day their service is not available? Now can you see the huge responsibility that IWK is holding for the nation? 

As part of IWK's effort to reward us, the customers, it is currently hosting a Selfie & Wefie Photo Contest 2015, with terms and conditions applied as follows:

Terms and Conditions of IWK Selfie & Wefie Photo Contest 2015:
1. Contest is open for all Malaysians except IWK staff.
2. Contest theme: ‘IWK & I’, meaning that you have to selfie/wefie at any IWK building OR with any IWK staff on duty. 
3. Photo submitted must show appropriate image and positive message about IWK. 

Contest Duration: 1 December to 28 December 2015

Week 1: 1 – 7 December 2015
Week 2: 8 – 14 December 2015
Week 3: 15 – 21 December 2015
Week 4: 22 – 28 December 2015

Prizes of IWK Selfie & Wefie Photo Contest 2015:
Weekly winner: AEON Voucher worth RM300
People Choice Award (Chosen from 1 out of 4 weekly winners): Nikon Waterproof Compact Camera

How to Enter IWK Selfie & Wefie Photo Contest 2015?
Email your submission with the following details:
Telephone number
Photo location
Email address and suitable photo caption

For any inquiries, feel free to email, or check out the following sites:
Twitter: @iwkcomms


  1. Its good more attention is given to our sewage system instead of just polluting. Thanks for sharing this. :)

  2. Haha interesting contest. Not a bad promotion to let people know more about IWK

  3. i paid my IWK bills. I know they are doing lots of things behind the scene. =)

  4. Interesting way to create awareness among public for waste treatment.
    We should all care more for the environment.

  5. Thanks for letting me understand more about Indah Water.. nice post!

  6. Nanti I nak selfie la dengan dorang but tak tahu bila.. huwaaa

  7. Nanti I nak selfie la dengan dorang but tak tahu bila.. huwaaa

  8. WAH! Indah Water also into selfies...

  9. rm300 shopping voucher is really worth to shop more!

  10. IWK has been doing a pretty good job. Alamak have to find an IWK staff to take a photo with? hahaha

  11. All the best to the participants. Quite a good weekly prize.

  12. Hehehe... lets go stalk out IWK now to get a pic with the staff... LOL

  13. Wow, now Indah Water also got photo contest. =D

  14. Thanks for sharing about IWK and their contest. Time to take selfies.

  15. I wanna join this! but so far cannot find any IWK staff, or buildingin my area =(

  16. What a great reminder to do our part in keeping our environment clean. This is a cool contest. Will try to join.

  17. thanks for sharing. hope i can win the prizes! haha!

  18. Waa prize looks not too bad! IKW is always doing their best to keep our environment clean =D

  19. very good sharing here...I learnt more about our sewege system - Indah Water now :)

  20. Selfie with Indah Water's building or staffs? Hmm... okok will try :)

  21. This a great write-up to create awareness... thanks for sharing this informative post on Malaysia's sewage system.

  22. Ooo a contest! hehe. will try my best to join ;)

  23. What a contest to create such awareness. Good one!

  24. I'm joining this too! I need that grand prize :P

  25. Wow cool! I want those weekly prize! Can buy diapers!!


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