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09 October, 2009

A day in library :)

It was a splendid day, although not many of 5Gigihians were present on that day =)

Many of our classmates chose to stay at home, to make the best preparation since exam is real near now. And we came to school just for fun. Staying in the library for the whole day with kawans was simply awesome :D

The lady all of us love = =

She met me in Carrefour with Ying and Yang last week, and now she started bugging me by asking me if I have any relationship with Kin =.=” I wonder why is Kin’s name mentioned. She even created all sorts of stories just to make me reveal the secrets --- She said that there’s a girl always fetching Kin home to and fro, and asked if the girl is me. Wtf. She must be pretending to be hilarious.

I'm not that dumb to be cheated easily please.

OMG what is Vivian doing?? She seems to be afraid of the camera although she is not :X

She is so into Amir that day. Everyone says that every girl likes to be close to him, regardless of the races. And my bestie told me, “Tu, Mir dah tak suci lagi dah, sebab sentuh budak perempuan” Hahass.

And us. Wanted to kill Amir too xD. He seems to be afraid of all of us already :X

Our sweetheart, Pn. Rosidah- The BM guru and form teacher :D

Congrats that she is now pregnant! She looks so sweet as usual, from Form 3 till now teaching us Geography, Malay language. And yet we made her cried for bringing up lots of problematic matters to her )): We’re so sorry.

This looks like one of the formal class photograph = =
It looks odd with colorful uniforms and only girls are present here xD.

It’s time to study hard!
SPM is only 39 days away.
Warn me not to online so frequently and update blog so often!


♥ Speak with me, don’t sink before you rise, baby. Don’t fade away.

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