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18 February, 2010

Before I leave…

Heyya ;D I’m leaving on 18 February 2010 (Today!), at 3.30pm.
3 more hours to go from now.

Will be back on the 14th of March--- only 25 more days to go!
Do remember the blogger always

With love,
FiSh }}} XOXO!

Yesterday, the fourth day of CNY, we had our bai nian session around the houses in Sri Petaling. Picture is taken at our first destination, JM’s house. Thanks JM’s Mama for shooting such a nice picture and the pizzas ;D

We only managed visiting 5 houses--- JM, Bunnie, Yong Han, Kheng Yang and Shin Mei. And all we did in the whole day is gambling, gambling and gambling!

Drinking session at 吹水站 with a bunch of old mates (:

Drank beer =X Luckily there is no road block along the way home.
Sorry that I have to leave early. Reached home a quarter past 12 midnight.
Again. Hadn’t had enough sleep before since my return to the home sweet home.

I heart you, Tiger Year for bringing me lots of red packets!

I felt kinda.. reluctant to actually leave this festive season,
coz’ I would not be having the same festive mood inside the camp.
I promise I would miss you as much as you do miss me, best friends! (;

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