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06 June, 2010

Mayday DNA Concert @ Malaysia

Here comes the time where Mayday (五月天) Promo Tour and DNA Concert reaches Malaysia!
Like.. Finally ;D

The previous time they came here was in 2008.
Two whole years made their great fans really miss them so much!

My area of in charge is L15, wow I can’t believe that the tickets there cost RM328!

A million thanks to Ching Yih for introducing me and my darling friends the job as ushers for the event! ;D There I met kind people from Marctensia to joke around and have fun. Nice meeting my old high school friend, Wei Yang too!

The rock zone. Meaning the free standing area.

The people there were so HIGH! ;D In fact, everyone in the concert was standing, screaming and singing. I love the guest of the night, 丁噹! And her famous song for Autumn Concerto, 我爱她!

This time the theme is UNlimited Edition DNA.
I don’t get what does that mean too =.=”

But the huge robot, cars and slideshows throughout the concert were aweeeee-some!

I enjoyed last night a lot, thanks again Ching Yih.

Nang if you love this (;

1 comment:

  1. So good wan you... can get to watch the concert for free with ticket worth RM328! :P


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